[quote=@BingTheWing] Iwaku has already done this, but the said site asks for your age when you register an account since the subforum is age-restricted. [/quote] I mentioned this in the topic that gave birth to this one - I have no problem stating my age if it gave me the ability to hide sexual content and allow others to avoid writing adult content with minors who can easily (and have) lie about their ages. [quote=@Rai] Just a dream not a real suggestion. But expansion. Conventions. I know that text roleplaying is usually done anonymously and in dark places. But so was anime now it has got huge conventions year round. [/quote] It is just a dream right now, but Mag and I have seriously spoken about the possibility before. It has crossed some of our minds! [quote=@Lady Amalthea] Oh agree with you there. The fact the mods only pick and chose what to deal with is a huge problem, as well as their inactiveness. (Which frankly is maddening...) With the amount of people on the forum, we do need more mods and ones that are active. They need to be changed out if they are inactive. It probably wouldn't hurt for Mahz to implement a Mod Staff Leader, who for lack of a better term - Mods the Mods. Those that aren't doing the job are demoted. When we need more, they take care of that. (Which actually it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for this topic and topics like it to be tagged for Mahz and the rest of the mods. With as little as we see some of them, it needs to be brought to their attention that people on a larger scale see this and notice it. For all we know, most of them don't even have an idea this is going on because it gets lost in the shuffle and when they show back up nothing is being said.) On a side note - I would love to see the forum get away from the Free, Casual, Advanced sections - Those really don't work. [/quote] I strongly agree with [i][u]ALL[/u][/i] of this.