[sub][sup][h3][color=FFFF00]B E L L E D ' V O I R E[/color][/h3][/sup][/sub][hr] Belle bristled at Kit's slimy, sarcastic dismissal. The windows panes of the room tapped as a few wasps banged and bumped against the glass. She had never felt anger or indignation like this before...she felt as if Kit had intruded on a great destiny, steered her off course. Kit had appeared from nowhere and shaken her nest, and Belle felt a deep, innate desire to punish him for his transgressions. And yet...he [i]wasn't[/i] their enemy, at least not directly. He seemed willing to teach them, even if it was apparent he favoured the stick to the carrot. Conflict dwelled within her - conflict at Kit's purpose, conflict at new, violent emotions that grew from her core, conflict at what her direction was to be now, what the class's direction was to be. Jonas had laid out his plan for her and her peers, but Kit would never be so...plain. Subterfuge against his own erstwhile-wards seemed counterintuitive, and yet she expected no less. All the same, she headed to the cafeteria as instructed, stepping her insects down and calming herself with quiet mantra and still thoughts as the group made their way across campus. A brisk September day seemed to instill new vigour in them, and she relished the time away from Renard. He felt like an invasion upon her mind, weighing on her psyche, as if sticky finger filtered through. There was no hiding from Kit Renard - or, at least, that was how he wanted you to feel. Belle instead focused on herself; she watched ants busy-about, observed the last few bumblebees and butterflies supping the last of the season's nectar. The presence of the insects comforted her; in them, she had a domain in which she was Queen, absolute and irrevocable. The whirlwind her life had become - magic, superhuman abilities, vast enemies and impenetrable allies - was whisked away by simply commanding a ladybird to fly to her finger, or a spider to rest upon her ankle, or a beetle to watch the world from her shoulder. Ahead of them, the sliding doors of the cafeteria quietly slid open as the last few students left; 'Social Conscience' was the last period of the day, and those enrolled were either in other classes or had finished their day. As the group entered, they found the kitchen closed, and the hall empty. A sizeable space that they had to themselves; Belle wondered what Kit had hoped to use such an area for. She looked around at her classmates, the odd, but steadfast bunch they had become. Did any of them know what was to become of them?