[@BrokenPromise] Pretty solid advice, even if I don't like it. (Catch-all rules tend to be a GM's excuse to abuse his power, so I've avoided using them hitherto as a gesture of goodwill.) Of course, people forget that the GM is already given these rights in the universal forum rules: [quote=@Guild Mods][list][*][b]GM Autonomy[/b] – in most matters pertaining to the thread, the GM has the final say, as it is their plot and we do not wish to interfere with running RP's. [b]Who is in, who is out,[/b] calls regarding the storyline and the rules by which RP's run (including how many paragraphs, post rate and order, etc, etc...) who needs to leave and so forth. The only time the moderators tend to step in is when the rules listed above are being violated, otherwise the GM is left to sort it out and deal with their problem players.[/list][/quote]