John Silver had the face of a somewhat grim when he heard their youngest recruit agree to his suggestion. So young Jim was, he was the easiest to stir; be either by the Lady Black's word, or Mister Silver's own. It was one of John's greatest attributes: his word of influence and persuasion. Vivienne didn't have a thorough thought to get inside someone's head like him, but she surely knew how to manipulate one's feelings and/or desires. That was how she got easy pardons, and how she lived for so long in the pirate life; as a [i]woman[/i]. The quartermaster walked the deck, away from the controversy between the captain and the new arrival, but kept an eye on them nonetheless. [i]No one[/i] was allowed to get around Black, particularly rookies. In truth, he only used Jim to eavesdrop and report; how gossip comes around. Popular enough, the spread of rumor was the reason that Silver thrived: The report goes to him, and he tells the captain, [i]both[/i] the temporary and the real one. A pro-storyteller, Silver was; any attempted lie from someone was easily deciphered by him, since his knowledge of human nature was continuously vast. Vivienne kept her ground when she heard a threat in William's assumption. [i]He has a lot to learn[/i], she inwardly thought once again, before turning her full form to him, her bustle following this graceful manuever. "Follow me, mister Turner", she requested of him, walking past him off the helm, and down the stairs. Before she proceeded into the [url=]Captain's Cabin[/url], the brunette came upon the prescence of her youngest member, Jim. "You alright?", she asked the youngest lad, a trace of concern upon her youthful features. She could the expressions upon Mister Hawkins at any time; for him to be the easiest to read, Vivienne wasn't that oblivious to his feelings. He was like the little brother: Youthfully impressionable; that is what made her grow fond of him, and silently amused of where his loyalty lies. It reminded her a little of the girl she rescued yesterday. Taking her leave into the cabin, it would, of course, it have the typical qualities: a desk, a grand chair, quills upon the desk, a few maps, and a grand window behind the said-chair. The light inside was dim, faintly, but beautifully lighting up the room. Heading towards a book shelf next to the entrance, the pirate strolled to the huge desk, and rolled out one of the huge maps across its flat, old-wooden surface. It was one of those global maps that show a clear navigation of the world and, of course, the Seven Seas. "Tell me, William, have you heard of this spot?", she laid a finger upon one of the locations: [i]Nassau[/i].