[@Buddha] That's the drawback of the freedom which the mods' absence gives us, it seems. We're able to shitpost and infight and not get banned for it, but the cost of this is that we've landed ourselves in a "jack of all trades, master of none" sort of situation. By trying to appeal to everyone, to [i]welcome[/i] everyone, the site naturally loses a degree of standards over its community strength, and of course, its writing quality. I think people, myself included, are afraid to take concrete steps toward solving this problem because the moment we do, Mahz and the mods will come back just long enough to put us in our place and remind us of who's boss. Then they'll fuck off again, having impeded our progress toward self-government but then refused to replace our system with their own. Some of us may be banned in the process, too, another large risk in taking any strong actions toward fixing this site. I for one am willing to start a blacklist somewhere, even off-site if need be. I've discussed it intensively in the past, with the biggest projected roadblock being that it's probably not Fonz-cool for Guildsmen to segregate themselves and demonize each other for their stylistic differences in RP. Once again, the site's willingness to accept everyone, and to never really enforce a standard of quality over people's RP habits (joining a thread and then never posting, Free leaking into Casual, Nation drawing players away from the tiny Advanced forum...), is what drives us into the ground in the first place. To rectify this we would need to establish whether Mahz is willing to draw new mods, active ones, from the player pool; and if he isn't, [i]then[/i] go about deciding how we will govern ourselves henceforth. [@Grimhildr] >has been here for 6 days >already planning a coup kek