[color=tan]"Cutemon can't hold a Candlemon to the adorable moi!"[/color] Tinkermon pouted at Candlemon as she escaped Yumeko's grasp. The little pixie took a look at Candlemon for a second before adding something on. [color=yellow]"Ah, well, you know what I mean."[/color] The Japanese girl just sighed as she scratched her head, pondering the situation. Then she remembered, [color=yellow]"Uhh, Vivian. . . Benini."[/color] Yumeko pondered it for a bit, but decided that westerners tended to use their given names. There was no need for honorifics either right? Would it even translate? [color=yellow]"Then. . . Vivian. . . A Gal Game is one of those games where you date those pretty girls. Or something."[/color] Still, she looked over the two westerners with her and came to a conclusion. [color=yellow]"Do Westerners all greet each other with a kiss on the cheek like they say they do? I hear it all the time, but it seems weird."[/color] She looked at Rachel who seemed to be mostly out of it and then to Vivian. The group would hear some noise coming from far down the hallway. The digimon that went to grab their mission came back down with some papers in hand. They seemed to be lacking Arukenimon however. [b]Hello again! It's me, the lovely Lillymon! Reporting in to tell you that we want you to go to a small village over in the Fractal Forest!"[/b] She handed the papers to the three remaining members. They mostly just gave a bit of information on the Forest itself. [b]"Just read ot a bit."[/b] There some weird runes on it, but the humans could understand it well enough. Fractal Forest is low level with some different digimon villages within. Some wild digimon were there but they stayed to the rookie level or lower so they were hardly a threat. The only thing noted as "High Danger" on there were something noted as the "Chess Empire." Yumeko just looked at the paper and read. She was unsure of what was what. [b]"Your mission is to go to an Agumon village in the forest and investigate reported activity of "Hackers".[/b] Flamedramon told them. There seemed to be more to it, but the digimon didn't really let on more than he said. [b]"You'll want to talk to our contact in the village for more. And Arukenimon will help you a bit on this mission."[/b] Yumeko processed the information and came up with a quick question. [color=yellow]"It says 'High Danger' and 'Chess Empire'. What's that mean?"[/color] Lillymon and Flamedramon looked between each other before looking back. Flamedramon spoke up, [b]"The Chess Empire is a hostile group of Chess Digimon led by the cowardly KingChessmon and the Elegant QueenChessmon. The only reason they're labeled dangerous is because they have a small base in the area. You probably won't run into them though."[/b] They looked at the others, [b]"Any other questions you can ask Arukenimon or our contact. You can leave through the gate. That paper will add Warp Points to your digivice you can pick and it will take you there."[/b] After that, the two digimon practically pushed them out of the building. [color=tan]"Dang, pushy ain't they?"[/color]