[@Zetsuko] Well, logically there are two possible exits from the estate. One with fire and lightning and guards, and the other secret one we were told about. I'm not going to charge full speed at the former, and Avad isn't going to have line of sight from the back if we're heading towards the guard exit. Otherwise my plan is to ride around the estate until we get surrounded. That all said, we were going towards the exit Ian just sealed. Anyways, [@Lemons], I wouldn't feel too bad at all. Even if it is a sensible plan from one perspective, it's something that was discussed about our characters without our knowledge or input or any transparency. A ma fu kan is fine under those circumstances. But as you say, what is done is done. I think this situation arose from a fundamental difference in roleplaying. I personally do not like the idea of coming up with a plan OOC and then contrive in-game circumstances to match it. At that point, I may as well be playing a tactics game. I personally enjoy talking and working things out in-character and letting things evolve naturally. Even if I don't say I have a plan OOC, that doesn't mean I'm directionless. I just want to be able to talk our options out in-character. [s]Preferably when everyone is drunk and I can manipulate them better.[/s] So we can come to an informed consensus [i]together[/i] as [i]friends[/i].