[i][h3][center]A Chaplains work[/center][/h3][/i] Varrin Krowe had been working non-stop since being appointed Reclusiarch of the Celestial falcons. Starting with ensuring what few relics had been bequeathed to the Falcons were stored safely within the Battle Barge's Reliquary. Securing the relics in containment chambers, ensuring all proper rights were carried out several times a day, and teaching those Chaplains in training all the rights required. Krowe saw to the marines of the burgeoning chapter even more closely. From day one he held sermons and services, open to any Battle Brother seeking counsel or Spiritual guidance. for many of the young and excited marines it was a way to pray for victories to come or seek sage advice from Veterans. Many older marines, set in their ways like the old chaplain sought closure and guidance regarding the departure from the Raven Guards ways that the chapter would be taking. He offered guidance and advice to them all for this was a time of great and rapid change and no marine was without his doubts. None held more such doubts perhaps than the Reclusiarch himself. Each day when there were no more brothers seeking help the Old Veteran would spend hours and hours in meditation, fasting and refusing rest of any kind. His mind was in turmoil as much as anyones, for the Lord commander of his new chapter sought to depart from every lesson the Sons of Corax had ever learned. To abandon the concealing shadows and step into the light for all to see... although he knew no Fear he was far from certain about this new direction. Indeed, the Lord Commanders reason for the change did not help the skeptical Chaplains view. A Vision from the Emperor himself? Such a thing was unheard of among the Sons of Corax, and Varrin had never put much stock in 'prophecy' of any kind. He found it foolhardy to believe in such frivolous and ungrounded motivations... but what was a Chaplains duty but to guide his chapter? He would simply have to change the Lord Commanders ways. Even if it took another century he would turn him back to the ways of the Primarch. This was his mission, to turn the chapter back into the fold of shadows. And this first campaign would be where it began. Along with the rest of Chapter Leadership Varrin Krowe stood at Rapt attention during the briefing. These xenos would be a fine first test of this new chapter. As the Lord Commander addressed him the Reclusiarch answered with confidence and gusto. "[i][color=gold]Lord Commander the Chapter stands ready at your command. Our Spirits are stealed against the machinations of the foul xeno. The brothers are ready, and as am I.[/color][/i]"