[COLOR=blue][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]E V A N D E R D A R I O[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup]Monday - Mather Memorial High[/sup][/INDENT] Evander waited apprehensively for the result of whatever Winter would see. It would determine whether they would attack and probably wreck the room (He wasn't sure what would happen should the people at the school find out what happened to the room) or if they would follow Kit's lead. He crossed his arms. Everyone was looking at the pair. He kept switching between Kit and the pair. Whatever Aiden was seeing, it probably wasn't good, but that wasn't Evander's problem. Winter, on the other hand, looked like she was focusing so much on the task at hand. From what he can remember, Sebastian, Aiden and himself didn't really put that much effort in concentrating when using their power. Was using her power new to her? When the session finally ended with Winter telling them that it wasn't Kit Renard at the party, he relaxed. Okay. It didn't mean that he wasn't any threat but at least he knew that he wasn't the person who attacked them before. And now he could listen to him without doubting every single word that leaves his mouth. In theory that is. He leaned onto the wall beside him as Kit Renard began his short explanation on what was about to happen. Evander raised an eyebrow. Those incompetent will be removed from class? Huh, well would you look at that. It would seem that he would be willing to train all of them but those who fell behind would not be treated kindly. Was Jonas actually planning to use this kind of method as well or was it really just Kit Renard? Though if he was sticking to Jonas's curriculum, it might have been. He was pretty sure that they could all pass this class. They have to. Kit Renard moved to hold the door for them and ordered for them to head to the cafeteria. Evander followed behind his classmates, rather eager to move away from the eyes of Renard. Perhaps like most of his classmates, he felt uncomfortable within his presence. Now putting some distance between him and the teacher, and within reach with the people he knew was going through the same thing - his classmates - put him more at ease.