[@PlatinumSkink] Taleste was slightly relived at Lataniva's comment. It did mean that replacing the fallen on this ship, while common, wasn't so routine a course of action that it wasn't worth commenting on. There's a difference between dangerous missions and suicide missions after all. Taleste liked dangerous. She had the cunning to survive most situations, and honestly, got a thrill out of some good old danger once in a while. "yeh, I met one of your kind before," she answered, "Ee was a big, serious whun. A lot less chatty than you, that's fur sure. As fur me, well, I'm a thief. I steal things, or just sneak aroun' and kill whuns if thers nothin to steal. Don't worry. I know what yer thinking and I won't. I never steal from crew. That'd be really stupid."