[color=ed1c24] [h2] [center] Lucian Vazquez [/center] [/h2][/color] Lucian sighed as he saw the wet caves he would have to move through to reach the Ducklett, but before he moved on he was dealing with these Zubats [color=ed1c24]"Houndour, embers. If the light doesn't scare them off the the burns will. Keep tracking the ducklett after they're gone. Venipede use poison sting if they don't leave us in peace."[/color] He gave these ordered as he swatted another Zubat away sighing with irritation as he made his way into the water-logged tunnel. Houndour quickly turned to the Zubats and fired a stream of embers at the bats before turning to continue his tracking, although he occasionally checked behind him now to ensure the Zubats didn't try to attack him from behind.