[@Jacobite] [@SouffleGirl123] [@Prints Avoid] [@Ogobrogo] [@Xandrya] [@Inertia] [@Fabricant451] [@Pundii] [@ArticBeaver] [@AcerRo] [h3]Dear Writers, Okay, I tagged everyone here, whether still interested or not, because I would like to explain my abrupt absence from this thread and the site all together. My friend swirled into a deep pit of depression and I just had to be there for her. After watching Th1rteen R3asons Why, it gave a lot of newfound perspective on a lot of things and I did not want to see my friend suffer. So, being the friend that I am, I dipped into my savings and gathered up some friends along with her and we went to the beach and spent sometime there, just to see if my friend would be okay. I know you cannot really cure depression overnight or over the course of some weeks but I just hated seeing my friend in such a vulnerable state of mind so I just had to do something and quick. But she is doing a lot bit better than before and she thanked me for everything, which is something she really didn't have to do and I even had her staying with me for a few days so I can keep a close eye on her and help her out anyway possible. So, I've been dealing with that and among other things but now that the skies are clear, I am definitely back! I also apologize for not giving you guys the heads up and hope neither of you guys dislike me{But if you do, totally understandable and whatevs.}. But yeah, I am definitely still up for this idea, as well and might even do a little reboot with a new thread and everything because I had a different idea on how start this than what's written for this now. So, please like this if you're willing to join me in the reboot so I can be sure to tag you and such! I'd love it if you all joined me again but I understand that I might've left a bad taste in some people's mouths and again, I am truly sorry but what would you have done in a similar situation? I wasn't even thinking about RPG when all of that was happening, so yeah. [b]So, reboot or nah?![/b][/h3]