Special thanks to [@Cynder] and [@Grimhildr] for kickstarting the process. Special thanks to everyone else that participated in a deliberation on how we can improve the guild. Your efforts are appreciated and valued, because only through discussing things can we reach new ideas and solutions to the problems that festered and continue to fester in RPGuild - as a community and as a forum. [b]Some pointers before kicking off the thread[/b] - [indent][b]o[/b] No flaming [b]o[/b] No ad hominem [b]o[/b] 'Be Fonz Cool', whatever the fuck that means [b]o[/b] Constructive criticism [i]only[/i], naming an issue is one thing, complaining and whining another [b]o[/b] Motivate your answers [b]o[/b] Try to think of solutions as well as problems[/indent] [b]Some questions you can ask yourself to help you come up with a reply, solutions, problems or just something you want to share[/b] - [indent][b]o[/b] What do you think problems within the community are? [b]o[/b] Have you ever experienced a problem that made you feel like 'what's the point' or feel like giving up? [b]o[/b] What are the causes for these problems do you think? [b]o[/b] How could you fix these problems? [b]o[/b] Is that solution wholly realistic? [b]o[/b] How do you feel about the sense of community on RPGuild? [b]o[/b] Is this sense of community important to you/your solution? [b]o[/b] How do you feel about community engagement on RPGuild?[/indent] These are just some questions you can ask yourself to answer the question on how to improve the Guild, but any other answers/questions are welcome to. As long as you remain deliberative (decision through argumentation, not by raising your voice and yelling the loudest) and open to new ideas your answer will be welcomed.