[@Lady Amalthea] To me, anyone who wants to be a mod probably isn't going to do too great in the role - then again people would argue I'm not either. In my case I was asked to test some forum tools on newguild and kept a mod status since then. In terms of activity, from what I've seen from our discussion we do agree that a few more mods would be nice but again, it's having the right ones. [@Buddha] When you talk about this 'disconnect' that may be true for the community as a whole but not necessarily everyone inside of it. As a mod I pay attention to the way people deal with other's situation to evaluate how I think they'd be a mod. The reality of a new selection process is that the mods can make suggestions but ultimately it's Mahz's decision. Now there have been a number of plans and concepts which never came off around how to run staffing but again it falls back to this is Mahz's hobby, not his job. As to the reporting system - in every forum there is a pinned thread which instructs you to report incidents. If incidents aren't reported, they can't be dealth with. Unless you want mods trawling through every thread on the forum. The status bar is a unique case in that it was sprung on and to be honesy, we never designed a guideline for a live updated status bar. I think you'll find every mod's perception is at least a little different. But is what you expect from a mod team to be constantly refreshing and patrolling a white board?