[@Bazmund] Well. I decided to make the Manticore - such in a way, as they are. Namely more open to the ideal of the hunt and glory of it. Instead of simple-minded mercenary work. They had been said to be more spiritual - which in my case, translates that they shouldn't put such a big deal on money in-general. So in a way, Manticores are more self-sufficient, more sociable and open to talking out any issues, and more understanding of the peasant or the spirit of the contract (not the print itself). In a way, it could be a nice thing - having him the opposite. He'd know how to manipulate his contractors, yet the higher emphasize on money and using his powers to get it, might not be well received for the Elders or any Manticorian. So yeah, I like him that way - adds to the flavor of the story.