So I just had a thought. Because of everything that's happened so far, this group is already pretty notable. I bet every NPC's internal thoughts right now are like: "[i]Don't mess with any of those people: Try very hard to ignore the Nayu (unless you wanna get bit), don't piss off the dragonlord -and definitely don't piss off his friend, don't even look at the one pair of girls wrong because the draconic one just about burned the town down... Why the hell are these two girls glowing like they just ate all the skittles in existence? [/i]" *looks over at Alexis* "[i]......and that one actually looks pretty harmless.[/i]" And then Alexis looks right at them and says: [color=696969]"I dare you to say [b]all[/b] of that out loud."[/color] Mind reading can be a fun power sometimes. :sun