[quote=@FallenTrinity] [@Landaus Five-One][@Vesuvius00] So we have -Emo 2.0 (Nayu update) -Flamboyant Dragonlord -Former Dragonslayer who looks like he's been constipated for way too long (his expressions) -A Japanese anime angel (complemented by "notice me senpai nii-sama" incestual sister) -A happy slave owner and a consistently scared slave who happens to also be possessed by a ancient DRACONIC being whose family consists of slave owners and slaves -The lil angelic rapper (who reminds me a bit of a yordle) -Alexis [/quote] Is there a reason why Alexis is on the bottom? Is it because she's going to be on the bottom for Suley. XP Me: [color=gold]"I had to ask the hard question."[/color] Maria: [color=violet]"It is Kind Dragonlord to you, Trinita,"[/color] Zargoth: [color=black]"I guess I wasn't added because I am too edgy?"[/color] Johnson: [color=silver]"You edgy? The edginess could cut Admanatine."[/color] Me: [color=gold]"Wow."[/color] Maria: [color=violet]"Stop messing with Zargy. He did nothing to you Johnny."[/color] Johnson: [color=silver]"I am the bounty hunter and a Solar Dragon can you stop calling me Johnny."[/color] Zargoth: [color=black]"You should stop while you are ahead... you don't want to be called something worse than Johnny now?"[/color] Maria: *giggles* [color=violet]"Thanks Zargy."[/color]