Character: Steve Level: 1 Day/Time: Day Two; Noon Location: Streets, Save Point, Barrel Roll Pub, Smash Arena Tag: [@Holy Soldier] NPCs Mention: Inn Keeper After staying the night at the inn to rest and working through the morning as a way to pay her back, Steve headed off through town. He began searching for information on a way to make currency. Once in the bar, he began looking around, asking pretty much anybody if hey knew of a way he could earn some money. Most of the patrons didn't answer him or simply said something about the arena. When he asked for more details, they didn't tell him anything. Some of them just kept repeating the same phrases. With a sigh, he looked to the bartender. She was a pretty lady but he waited. He caught the waitress and walked with her as she did her job, asking her questions between patron comments and orders. When she didn't tell him too much more than the patrons, he frowned and walked over to the bartender. "Excuse me," he said, taking a stool, "I need some currency to get by in this strange place. I've been trying to look for any odd jobs people can pay me for but the most I've been getting from people are small comments about this arena nearby. Can you help me out?" He tried hard to keep his eyes towards her face but did steal an occasional glance towards her body, mainly her chest.