[@Vesuvius00] *Appears behind Alexis and leans down, letting a breathy whisper gently tap her skin, his voice low with a bit of bass to it, rubbling with each word* [color=9e0b0f]Despite the rrrreputaion many of us Dragonnnloorrrds have...I am quite the gentle-[/color]*Nips her ear before bringing his mouth just behind her ear* [color=9e0b0f]Looooverrrrr[/color] *leaning away he go es her a seductive gri- OW SORON WHAT THE FUCK!!! [color=9e0b0f]Oh come on!!![/color] *Fallen and Suley are yanked out of OOC* [color=slategray]"Okay that is it you two. Both of you are done. Suley, you for attempting to seduce outside of the IC and Fallen...YOU for encouraging him. My apologies everyone. For now I'll be running OOC for these two idiots"[/color]