[quote=@FallenTrinity] [color=slategray]"It's just an expression. Just meaning she found something so hilarious her sides hurt from laughter. Don't take it literally."[/color] [color=slategray]Edit: Also isn't she supposed to be working on her post right now?[/color] [/quote] [color=8A2BE2]"Take it literally. Take it [i]very[/i] literally."[/color] [color=696969]"Wha- Who are you?!"[/color] [color=8A2BE2]"I'm Vesuvius."[/color] [color=696969]"No you're not."[/color] [color=8A2BE2]"Well, okay. I'm kinda Vesuvius. I'm the Meta Character." "My name is Vesuvius. I don't know you you are though, we've never met before."[/color] [color=696969]"Uh.. I'm Alexis?"[/color] [color=8A2BE2]"It's nice to meet you, Alexis. Would you like a cookie?"[/color] [color=696969]"No. Why are you here? Where's um.. Vesuvius?"[/color] [color=8A2BE2]"Error report. You've been disconnected from Ves somehow." "She also told me to come ask if you're still okay."[/color] [color=696969]"Oh... I'm fine now."[/color] [color=696969]"What do mean by 'error report'?"[/color] [color=8A2BE2]"I deal with the glitches." [color=696969]"I don't understand."[/color] "That's fine."[/color] ... [color=8A2BE2]"Also, she is working on the post. She's just multitasking." "RL keeps distracting her and this is fun. It also helps pull her back into playing Alexis IC."[/color]