[quote=@Xavier Bloodbayne]I am going to go ahead and put my two cents in and say HELL NO! I am also going to guess that you probably DON'T roleplay in the Arena. But believe you me there are still people that is use. Me for example. And the last thing I want is to go hunting down the only RP section I even use on this site. [/quote] [img]https://puu.sh/vu3L8/14979b9695.png[/img] [quote=@Xavier Bloodbayne]You opinion is a P.O.S and so are you.[/quote] Learn to English, you nonce, vacate my thread, and don't get my thread locked. Bye. [quote=@Kratesis] [@Buddha] The metaphor that comes to mind is 'rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic'. Now I don't believe the Guild is doomed, or even in trouble. I just don't see how rearranging the places in which one has to post will increase the number of posts or how it would increase the number of posters. [/quote] Maybe not. But it'll remove the clutter and make other forums that are currently low on the list (guides comes to mind) appear more towards the top. I'm prepared to go over the backs of few to satisfy the many. [i]Also, this thread isn't about arena RP, so let's not let it devolve into that.[/i]