[Youtube]https://youtu.be/UjPMWvxDlHk[/youtube] Im so into this now! [Color=hotpink]"Im here!"[/color] Hey Velai I wanted to see a reaction from you to the OOC [Color=hotpink]"W-why is there so many people here?"[/color] Just people going wild. Letting their creations take form. [Color=hotpink]"Uh okay. Hiiii Alexis and Suley!!"[/color] What are your thoughts on the current situation. [Color=hotpink]"Hm. I wonder why we wont just go to the bedroom. Im super tired of working already!"[/color] Hang in there. I have a surprise for you coming soon. [Color=hotpink]"Really? Thank you!"[/color] It might be a surprise for everyone.