Fifteen years ago, the grimoire was split into four pieces among four families. Each family hiding their piece within their newborns who happened to be born on the same day. You can't access one piece without all four. So, this was the safest option. Now, the four teens are approached by four devils who are trying to find the grimoire, not knowing it is split into four. With the pieces being pursued, love, hated, and civil war happens between them. Will they be able to handle it? My Co-Gm and I are looking for two people willing to play a part of the grimoire as well as a devil. [@XxLyraxX] has claimed the grimoire piece to be Mage's target/love interest and Shiki. I want either the part of the grimoire pursued by Rem or Shiki and Urie (Not committed to him though). Thanks for listening to my rambling. Xoxo Malec