[@Rai] [color=696969]"Hi Velai!!"[/color] "I'm not sure how much I trust your 'surprises' Rai..." [color=696969]*Le gasp* "Vesuvius is back!"[/color] "Yeah, hi. I laughed so much I had to blind myself to the OOC for a bit, but then I got worried about you so I sent mini-ves to check on you and fix the connection from this side." [color=696969]"mini-you?" "I still don't understand who she was."[/color] "That's fine." ... [color=696969]"NO IT'S NOT FINE!" "God, don't talk like her!"[/color] "I am not your god." "I'm your overlord. :sun There's a difference." -EDIT- Post is almost done guys