[@Buddha]I honestly couldn't say how to fix it, but the problem is pretty clear. NRP's are infamous for false starts. They take more planning and collaboration by their very nature, and as a result when one player fails it can drag down an entire RP as suddenly there is a void in the plot, the setting, and EVERYONE's histories. I am a bit of an elitist NRPer in that I only play character interaction based NRP's that function for the sake of the plot, but in those at the least this is something I've noticed. It's a problem endemic, to some extent, to the RP type. Honestly, NRP has never been the most popular section and it never will be. This is a part of that. New blood is hard to get because having new inexperienced players often worsens that issue before it starts to freshen up the section. [b][u]This is all personal opinion, I have NOT been elected by NRP to represent them[/u][/b]