There had been a siege on the castle by demon lords. The entire royal family was imprisoned and the kingdom of Borbia was being consumed by evil forces. The princess, Sera, attempted escape, only to be caught again by the dark forces "What do you want with my kingdom and my family?!" growled the girl. There were five demon lords in the room. One answered,"We will free your kingdom and your family, but in return, you must collect the five Crystaline Amulets. Only then will your kingdom and your family be freed." "The Crystaline Amulets? But aren't those a myth?! How will I find them?" The demons presented the princess with a scroll. "This will give you hints on where to find them." The girl studied it. "Colier's cave...? But that's all the way in Flargon! Wait, why do you even want these amulets?!" "Do you want to save your kingdom?" "Well...Yes. Yes I do." "Then good luck, Princess Sera." Before she could say anything, Sera was teleported out of the castle by the demons. She now stood in front of it. It had a gloomy look to it now, and the skies were darker. She glanced at her scroll and sighed. She wouldn't be able to save her kingdom alone. [color=fff200]The current setting...[/color] It had now been a few days after the demon lords took over the kingdom of Borbia. The sky had been gloomy and the weather had been crazy. There were great winds, devastating storms, earthquakes, and more. Sera had managed to gather four people to come along. The party had barely gotten to know eachother and were more focused on finding an appropriate shelter, which was an abandoned hobbit hole. [color=003471]"Okay..."[/color], began the princess who was settling down,[color=003471]"So..If you haven't yet noticed, Borbia is in danger. I thank all of you with every ounce of gratitude that i have for agreeing to join me in rescuing my kingdom...I also apologize for not giving much detail on the trials we are about to be facing. There are five dungeons that contain the Crystaline amulets. Why the demons need them, i know not, but as far as i know, they are the only key to rescuing my kingdom. Now that we are safe, we can get to know eachother better and you may ask me questions. WHether i know the answer or not, i will do my best." [/color] [color=f49ac2]Character sheet[/color] Name: Age: Race: Class:(fighter, rogue, mage, healer) Appearance: hair eyes weight height outfit skin color extra- Personality: Background: Alignment: (Lawful good. Neutral good. Chaotic good. Lawful neutral. Neutral. Chaotic neutral Lawful evil. Neutral evil. Chaotic evil) Why did your character choose to help Sera? : HP: (rol 5d6x6 and then divide by two and round to the decimals if you have any[roll five times and add up your numbers then multiply that by six]. every level your HP will go up by 6) Armor pieces: (check off with an [x] if you have it. roll a 1d6 and then determine if it is leather, metal, or something higher. Add 1 to your number rolled if it is leather, add two if it is metal, add three if it is something higher, put this number next to the [x]. You willl subract this number from the damage you recieve in battle . go to [color=ed1c24]combat[/color] to learn more. add the looks of this weapon in the appearance section) -breastplate[] -chain shirt[] -gauntlet[] -vambrace[] -rerebrace[] -pauldrons[] -helmet[] -sabatons[] --greaves[] -cuisses[] -poleyns[] (these items can be enchanted by on the journey) weapons: (you may carry only three weapons at a time unless you gain something that helps you carry more in the game. please pm me about these weapons so i can determine the stats. You will also have to drop them later on if you gain a new weapon by buying one or recieving one. with improvised weapons like chairs etc... we will talk about ooc) personal items: (pm me about this too) magical items: (pm me.) spells(pm) land of origin-(can be anywhere. May be good for adding dungeons and will be convinient for party if one party member knows the land. we can talk about it in the pm or ooc) Level- 1 exp-0 [color=ed1c24]combat[/color] this will be talked about more in the ooc if needed. But first off- So in the PMs we will talk about how much damage you will cause with whatever items you use. When you roll, put your damage in parentheses and write in how you will have performed your attack based on your damage. we will determine how the turns will go in ooc. you are able to make any relationships you want with any character from npc to fellow pc. a little romance(no sex) and rivalry (not extreme) is great! your characters may also have past relationships which you can talk about in PMs between eachother if you have any questions, pm me or put it in the ooc. thank you! Also, right now i dont have a phone so during the day may be hard to contact. the rp may be in at most a week or so, depending on the PMs. Thank you for being patient! [@lady athena] [@cu chulainn] [@aquanthe] [@zellected]