Omg... I was offline for a FEW hours and when I get back the OOC is a complete mess :lol [hider=Lila's first appearance on the OOC] Lila: [color=C6DEFF]What is happening here? Who are all these noisy people?[/color] Me: Oooh~ look at that! the antisocial emo girl appears in the OOC at last! Lila: [color=C6DEFF]What is this OOC you talk about? And why you are talking directly with me? I'm literally a part of your personality, this should be impossible, and what's with the insults?[/color] Me: Don't think too much about it, just do whatever you feel like when you are here. You're not bound by anything, be it your past, future or the universe itself. Its actually rather complicated, think about it as being a "parallel universe", an intersection between certain people's minds, almost lik- Lila: [color=C6DEFF]*Bites 13 in the ear*[/color] Me: WHAT THE- Why have you done that? Lila: [color=C6DEFF]*Licking the blood off her fangs* You said I could do whatever I wanted... so I wanted to taste if *your* blood tastes differently from mine. Wait a second 13... Did you... Like it?![/color] Me: *nosebleed* *ahem* N-n-n-no! That hurts! Lila: [color=C6DEFF]Don't try to lie to me... Your blood was delicious, certainly different from the taste of pain.[/color] Me: I-I dont know what you are talking about. And I'm your creator, you should at least try to respect me, don't you think? Lila: [color=C6DEFF]You have very strange tastes 13... Very, very strange tastes... *looks at him curiously*[/color] Me: Shut up! don't judge me! T___T Lila: [color=C6DEFF]*sigh* You and I are one after all. This side of you is mine and mine alone. Even if it is a little weird and eccentric, I still love it. I don't have much, I'm only a tool, I can do nothing but follow my master's orders, but here, I can be myself. there is no one to judge me or hate me... there is only us, there is only I, the only one who cares about me. *hugs 13* [/color] Me: *Literally melting* I... Umm... Thank you... *nervous* y-you should try to show others this side of you... You're literally hugging yourself here, you know... Lila: [color=C6DEFF]While technically true, its also not exactly like that. We are one, but we are different. That's exactly why I feel comfortable around you... ... Wait... You said it was an intersection between minds... so we aren't alone?! *blushes heavily and goes invisible*[/color] Me: You didn't even bothered hearing my explanation... *sigh* I guess we are really very different from each other. [/hider] [quote=@Vesuvius00] [...] "[i]Don't mess with any of those people: Try very hard to ignore the Nayu (unless you wanna get bit), don't piss off the dragonlord -and definitely don't piss off his friend, don't even look at the one pair of girls wrong because the draconic one just about burned the town down... Why the hell are these two girls glowing like they just ate all the skittles in existence? [/i]" [...] [/quote] Lila: [color=C6DEFF]I'm forbidden to drink other's blood without their consent. Its a completely unfair accusation.[/color] Me: That still doesn't change the fact that you do drink blood. Lila: [color=C6DEFF]Yes but i'm forbi-[/color] Me: *ahem* What happened a few minutes earlier? Lila: *silence* Me: Well, now that you calmed down and already know what is the OOC, you should at least tell the other people a little about yourself. Lets start with a couple of questions: What do you think about the... lets say... "tension" between Suleykaar and Alexis? Lila: [color=C6DEFF]I don't understand it. She said she rode him earlier, but now Suleykaar is talking about ripping her open? Is he trying to eat her? But dragons only let others fly on them if they are very close, no? [/color] Me: *facepalm* I wont be the one to explain all this to you... *says while getting up and walking away shaking his head in negation.*