I was linked here by [@Dynamo Frokane] due to me being the GM of 'Formaroth: Battle for the throne'. A Fantasy medieval RP with 'Nation' elements to it. From what I gather apparently there are a lot of people who believe that a good way to improve the guild is to either merge or do away with Nation, Tabletop and Arena. I thought I would give my own opinion on this. On the subject of nations I think it may be a good idea to merge it in with something else. While my RP started out with strong nation leanings, as the RP continued (or rather as soon as it started) it quickly became more focused on characters and there own personal motives rather than focused on nations/kingdoms themselves. At the same time I think it is a useful tag to keep in some fashion as it give a good indication about what certain RP's are about. In the end however I think people are more interested in characters with nations being a good backdrop (just to make clear, getting rid of nations won't delete any existing nations RPs? I would be very upset if I were to loose my RP after spending two years on it). I am afraid I am in no position to talk about Tabletop or Arena.