[quote=@Vesuvius00] [color=696969]"Uhhh... Do you know what Sex is?"[/color] "ALEXIS!" [color=696969]"Well how else do I explain that to her!?"[/color] "[i]Not[/i] like that!" [color=696969]"Lila, he wants to-"[/color] "dont you dare finish that sentence" [color=696969]"..." "Fine. I won't."[/color] [color=696969]"But I will say that when someone calls someone else 'hot' Lila, they usually mean that person is attractive, not warm."[/color] "Dear lord." [/quote] [color=9e0b0f]Well since she has been barred from telling you I will. So sex is when a man and a female, or a male and a male or a female and a female or a cannibal and a female or a cannibal and a male or a cannibal and a cannibal love each other enough or find one another attractive enough, a thing happens in the bedroom when they entertwiiiiiiiii did you put that blade up to me, Soron?"[/color] [color=slategray]"Because she is too far detached from reality to understand what you're talking about. Don't break her mind more than it already has been"[/color] ..... Sex is when a two people that like eachor use their genitalia for procreation. [color=9e0b0f]FALLEN![/color] [color=slategray]FALLEN![/color]