[@Cynder] said I could post this here so here goes: Kind of unrelated to the current topic, but a few things that I [i]really[/i] like about this website as opposed to the other options are: One, the minimalism. I'll agree that things like reporting posts, searching, etc (possibly more tags, that's a personal preference), could do with being finished. That, of course, is a Mahz issue. That being said, I don't need/want a ton of frills when I write. I like things neat, and I like them organized to the best of my ability. So when I can open up the site and find exactly what I'm looking for without having to struggle with 50 different subforums and shit, it makes me feel more at home. Most of the other forums I've looked at have felt like they were trying too hard Two, I like the OOC/IC/Char thread combination. That alone takes out so much of the clutter you see on other websites. Cue an example of me having to make an OOC and IC thread that linked to each other every time I wanted to make an RP on a different website, and now it's all contained. I would definitely like to have maybe one more "Lore" tab, just to keep things organized for me, but it's non-essential. I would also like to be able to delete posts I don't need, as well as be able to insert posts in threads I've created, just to organize things better. I recognize that this is wishful thinking and isn't likely to happen for a while. Three, I somewhat like how the alerts system requires you to manually remove a lot of the notifications. It helps me not forget about things which are happening. However, it is a bit touchy and sometimes doesn't keep somethings while keeping others around forever. [hr] One of the things I would like to see improved would be a few things previously stated: that is, being able to remove PMs that are super old. It's just a pet peeve, and I thought I'd throw some support for that into the ring, if anyone is listening. And as for selecting new mods, it seems to me that, given there's not safe way to pick someone trustworthy, the only way to make progress is to bite the bullet, open up some kind of application, and have the current mods pick someone or multiple someones for the job. They might turn out to be shitty mods. They might not. If they do, the other (current) mods can remove them. It's not a great way to do it, but it [i]is[/i] something. There's probably more things I could say, but I can't really think of anything else rn EDIT: this is again assuming that Mahz okays it, which is a hurdle naturally