[@KaijuBaragon] [center][b][h2]Charles[/h2][/b][/center] Charles would raise a brow at Conner's display before suddenly grabbing a pen, opening his notepad and starts writing on it mumbling "subject Conner... quirk bone manipulation in subject's hands..." he says to himself "Possible regeneration side effect... though could be just moving of mass out of the way.." he says already theorizing from what he seen. He would notice the floating paper going to one of the new people who have entered, he begun to write mumbling to himself again like before though about the possibility of another quirk. He would turn towards Conner "sorry about that... bad habit of mine" he states putting the pad away "as for my quirk.." he says as he brings up his hand and taps Conner's arm before a bone starts to raise out like Conner though not as much as Charles winces and retracts it. "bloody heck that hurts... how the heck could you use that so simply" he mumbles shaking his head "first one I learned about had to be a painful one.. of course.." he says to himself. That shy attitude slightly disappearing for a moment.