[quote=@Buddha] [@Isotope] Any ideas specifically on what causes that, how we can fix it, if there is even a clear problem or if people are just not interested in NRP? I've tried a few times, and never got lucky with good GM's it seems. [/quote] As someone that often goes to the NRP section and roleplays there, I have to say that there are a lot of roleplays that died due to a lack of communication. And communication is a must if you want your NRP to be successful. If the GM or an important player disappears without warning, then the rest will just leave. The users there, in my opinion, are the types that you need to watch for. Because, they will either disappear on you or start drama. If you look at some of the old threads, then you will see how the roleplay died. And the GMs don't seem The solution to dealing with the NRP section (and I know that some of them might hate this) is to delete it. It will never become popular because we barely have any GMs determined to saving their roleplays for the jaws of death. And we have users that often leave one NRP and join another. I am not sure if it's worth saving the section at all given it's current state. And I should mention that there are too much sci-fi and fantasy NRPs to count. Not enough roleplays that are unique get the attention that they deserve. I agree with what [@Isotope] said in his post about how NRP will never become a popular section. I hope that the rest of the NRP community takes a look at our comments and have a discussion with us.