Morning, folks! I made the mistake of getting way too into Final Fantasy VIII again, and I would give almost all my limbs to play Squall Leonhart -- either against an OC of your own or a canon character from 8 (preferably a Seifer or an Irvine, but I'm open!). I'm not nearly as into the other games, so their lore is a bit beyond me in most cases, but if you wanted to play someone from another game, I'm open to that as well! I'm also extremely open to play a female!Squall, against the same as above! Primarily I'm looking for romance, probably fairly angsty. I don't mind when exactly things take place, either after the game, before, at any point where there's downtime - or if we wanna do some AU stuff (because clearly, coffee shop AUs are still a thing, right?). I'm a sucker for Squall being broken down and rebuilt and I think there's some fun AU oppourtunities for Squall to have ended up with the Bad Guys as opposed to what are supposed to be Good Guys? (For a very brief idea of some of the shit I like for Squall, you can check out this old as heck [url=]fansite[/url]. None of the works are mine but I'm entirely too in love with some of the them. All of that aside, behind the hider tag below is a darker bit of a request, if you're more into the breaking/angst side of this stuff! [hider= + ] As far as what I'm looking for in a line, primarily I'd just love to see Squall used and abused, broken down until he (or she!) is no longer the proud lion he was before. Whether we accomplish this over a long time (following the course of the game with an added character) or over a shorter period (I'd love an extended torture scene with Seifer in the D-District Prison, putting off, or doing away altogether, with his eventual escape?), I'm open to either! Basically, if your idea involves Squall being broken down and abused, I'm your guy. I'd rather just play Squall, though if you want to play any other characters you're perfectly free to. I match posts as well as I can, and while I prefer to write over PM or email, I'm open to IM and thread if that's what you enjoy. The things I'd like to keep away from are scat, vore, and macro/micro, but nearly anything else, please feel free to ask! [/hider]