[@MelonHead] The last tournament previous to this one was a year ago. I'm not sure if a year of inactivity is what you see as dormant, I see that as dead. Perhaps a better solution is to add more arena moderators or change the current one(s) to ensure that tournaments are hosted semi-reliably? I think the reputation was there before I showed people that screenshot, and I think the purpose of my post was and will continue to be to ask the question why it is inactive, and how we can fix it. If the last tournament was anything to go by the current tournament will follow a similar path where people post a fight but never finish it. My question is more related to how we can fix it. I'd like an explanation on how the last tournament was a year ago and wasn't as active as you made it seem like it was. Perhaps that'll help us reach some form of understanding as to why you are so sure this tournament will be the saving grace of arena. It seems dead. Surely you can acknowledge that, to an outsider, arena RP seems dead. Surely you can also acknowledge, being intelligent like you seem, that that can be seen as a problem and therefore is worth addressing. Which returns me to my previous point. If tournaments are what arena RP needs to function - why are none being hosted. Why does it take a year for one to be hosted. Why are no people hosting their own tournaments and is this a sign of a failure for moderator activity if they are the ones that are supposed to do it?