[quote=@JBRam2002] In re tags: My first RP that I GM'd covered a fairly wide array of options. I tagged all the things I thought of that fit, and then was informed I could only have 5 tags. I understand from a visual perspective why this makes sense, but could we possibly remove that limit and instead only show the first 5 tags or so in areas where space is an issue? Obviously, this means the system -could- be abused, but that would be something for moderators to keep an eye on. More options for tags in general would be great too, and perhaps even an option to create our own tags (of course if they're not a common tag, searching for them would be useless). [/quote] This would be great, we can put the 5 most relevant tags first then people can go into the thread to see all the tags selected just underneath the title of the thread? Creating tags would be nice too. I roleplay mostly exclusively fxf roleplays (with doubling options because I'm nice like that) so being able to tag that because people seem to not read my title or my thread would help. Maybe three times will be better than just two :P