[center][h3][color=0072bc]Vincent Westerian[/color][/h3][/center] Hearing her stutter and then do the nervous rubbing arm thing made his smile widen, [color=0072bc]"But not everything changed."[/color] He said, knowing that Brinlee would know where he was coming from with his statement. It was nice to see that she hadn't become an entirely different person. Though she did become more sociable. The old Brinlee wouldn't want to be in front of a crowd of adoring fans who occasionally took a picture or two of their favorite actors/actresses while speaking to them. Though, again, he supposed that shyness doesn't wash away easily. Vincent looked away for a moment, letting out a light chuckle at Brinlee's response to Nick's observation. Though he was pretty sure that his sister was one of the people who stayed for the party but not for the drinks. She always did hate alcohol of any kind, the taste not to her liking. After recovering from his chuckling, he looked back at the group and quietly listened to Aisik and Nick's response to Brinlee. Aisik had used a, most likely, Hebrew word that Vincent just couldn't understand. Though, using context, it may mean something along the lines of underage drinking or partying... or both. Vincent decided not to think about it further. [color=0072bc]"Mordechai is quite a wild spirit, isn't he?"[/color] He mused after Aisik said that he'd rather not take on his character's personality when it came to partying. Seeing that Nick was going to leave because of the time, he turned to the fans and then bowed his head. [color=0072bc]"Ah yes, please do enjoy the latest season of Edenridge when it starts airing."[/color] He then turned to Brinlee and Aisik. [color=0072bc]"I don't know about you guys but I don't feel up to the task of dressing up for dinner so I'm heading over to the Italian restaurant. How about you two?"[/color] He was perfectly fine with arriving to the restaurant alone but he did feel the need to ask anyway. His choice of clothing right now wasn't too bad either. A white, long-sleeved, collared shirt and then slacks and sneakers. He'd say he looked formal enough for the task. He didn't bother to change out of Mike's costume since it looked pretty much like his casual outfit. The wardrobe people didn't mind him wearing it around as long as it came back unharmed.