The bullets was when it all went to hell. Karl was behind a brick wall when he heard the first shots going up, and he immediatly changed, drawing the luger and his trench club. No fucking around with his bayonet, oh no. He popped up and fired off two shots, a man holding some kind of can and another with a submachine gun going down. He ducked behind cover just as an explosion went up, and he looked up, confused, before realising the can was a makeshift grenade. "They've got explosives!" He yelled, before firing off another few shots and letting the empty luger mag clank to the floor, clumsily loading another one. When Josef advanced, he athletically vaulted over his cover. "Just like the trenches eh? Crackin' skulls..." He punctuated his words by smashing a man charging towards him, holding what looked like a makeshift pike, before firing more shots into the crowd. "DISPERSE NOW!" "FUCK YOU FREIKOPS SCUM!" Karl looked to see where the voice came from and popped off two shots, quickly followed by a cry of agony. Grinning in satisfaction, Karl didn't notice the club coming towards his belly until it was too late and was hit, a solid blow that knocked the air out of him and caused him to fumble his trench club. Unfortunately for his attacker, he still had a grasp on hisgun, and he blew the lucky bastard away, although he doubled over in pain. As he coughed, the crowd surged around him and he feared he would be overwhelmed, even as he fired into the group. "NEED BACKUP?!"