[quote=@Hank] I'm not suggesting that other people take up the mantle of detective in our stead and go trawl through the forums looking for issues to report. My stance is that the people directly involved with any given incident shoulder the responsibility of bringing it to our attention. There have been people in this thread who have shared the sentiment that things don't get looked at when they report them to us. That's regrettable, but it raises the question of when these things took place and to who they were reported, because -- and this is the second time I'm saying this -- [i]I barely receive any reports.[/i] There has been [i]one[/i] incident that was PM'd to me in the last [i]three months[/i], and my colleagues picked that up and dealt with it within 24 hours. So either these sentiments are outdated, possibly stemming from a different moderator crew than the one we have now, or people haven't really been trying to bring things to our attention. [/quote] [quote=@Hank] We trust the userbase to self-police most of the time. We're janitors, not police officers. That said, what can't be solved by reprimanding each other and reminding offenders of what the rules are. [/quote] Forgive me, but that statement really sounds like it. If you aren't the police and just the clean up crew. You are sort of pushing the community to police their own forum, which nobody does...(actually maybe this is off topic. But I've literally been banned from a (different) forum for sending a private message to someone breaking the rules and telling them to please knock it off.) Because apparently THAT was harassment. But as it comes from personal requests and receiving low amounts, well the only answer I have is at the time...the only mod I saw actively participating in the chatbox was the one I went to...because the others were nowhere to be found. Another reason I mentioned, it isn't good to appear inactive vs proactive. But I can also tell you, it is still a problem with the current line up. It's not even been that long ago, where supposed mod warnings have been outright ignored, and the repeated harassment offenders did not receive any punishment. It feels bizarre to explain that there is nuisance and say people aren't banned for simple actions. (you didn't do that mind.) When like I said, the bans that have occurred seem to be the exact guildlines to how those people were banned on the spot. What's the difference that got those people banned and not the others? Beside the direct connection with moderators themselves? That's a legit question I hope I can get an answer too...