okay lets have another go at this shall we? [indent][b]| NAME |[/b] [indent] Leroy Omerson [/indent] [b]| DEPARTMENT |[/b] [indent] Pharmaceuticals, currently loner[/indent] [b]| AGE |[/b] [indent] 38 [/indent] [b]| TRAITS |[/b] - [indent][list][*] [b] Absent Minded [/b] - because his mind is completely filled with thoughts of his quest, he frequently forgets to eat, sleep and drink unless reminded or becoming almost too weak to continue. Instead of doing these things he relentlessly pushes onward, causing his body to become hardened and have great stamina. [*] [b] Single minded [/b] - after the nightmares and dreams entered his life, he quickly lost all other goals and values except for making the potion. He finds anything that doesn't continue his quest to be a waste of time and energy. [*] [b] detached [/b] - when he left his department, Leroy lost his family, his friends and everyone he had known in his whole life. He stopped seeing people as people, instead his broken mind Only seeing the creatures around him as tools only useful for continuing the quest. If any opportunity arises to continue his quest he will take it, no matter what must be sacrificed. [*] [b] Medically Trained [/b] - despite it being a decade since he left the confines of the infirmary, Leroy has still managed to keep the knowledge of medicine and herbs in his shattered mind. He can use common chemicals and materials to craft basic bandages and medicines. Also because of his need to craft his potion, he has become proficient at brewing liquid and drafts. [/list][/indent] [b]| EQUIPMENT |[/b] - [indent][list][*] [b] Poisoned Hunting Knife and Shivs [/b] - a gift from his parents, he keeps the long hunting blade constantly wet with a homemade venom. He also has a couple of rough shivs that he uses if he needs range. [*] [b] "Holy Journal" [/b] - small leather bound journal where he keeps all of his notes about herbs, medicine and potion. Also has his recipe for making the bombs. [*] [b] Potion of Infite Power [/b] - this potion is the culmination of years of work. Leroy believes that upon finishing this potion, he will become the most powerful person in the entire store. He will become a god. As of now, the potion is just a finely polished glass bottle, filled with a dark green liquid of unknown origin. The bottle is corked and is strung around his neck. It is very far from completion. [*] [b] heavy leather coat [/b] - a durable, heavy leather coat that covers most of his upper body. It is good protection against melee attacks but won't come close to stoppingq bullet or a sharp blade. [*] [b] Crow Mask [/b] - as one of the last efforts to ward off the nightmares, Leroy fashioned a wooden/ metal crow mask, which he keeps constantly stuffed with herbs and spices in the beak. Unfortunately like all his other attempts, this to failed. [/list][/indent] [b]| BIOGRAPHY |[/b] [indent] The pharmaceuticals department is a strange place, filled with aspiring scientists and insane dreamers, working side by side. This odd combination works fairly well, except for the unfortunate times when the insanity outweighs the genius. Of course, no one expected Leroy to be on the insane side of the spectrum. He was born to 2 of the smartest chemists in the Department, and from his early years he aspired to outdo them both. Throughout his schooling he earned top marks, even going as far as to earn the highest honor a child can receive, the gift of his very own "Li'l Tykes Chemistry Kit!". Leroy was quickly identified as a genius, and was able to skip the later years of his schooling and rent a private laboratory to continue his work in peace. He majored in weaponized chemistry, and most of his time was spent concocting new types of bombs and poisons for the defense of his home. Things were looking bright for Leroy, until the voice. Leroy isn't sure of exactly when the voice started talking to him, nor is he sure when the nightmares started appearing in the day as well as the night. He dreamt of a glorious potion, pure gold and shining in his hands. He drank the potion and was filled with a power unmatched by anything he had ever felt before. He would be a king, may a god. The voice told him all of this, showed him his destiny. It didn't trouble Leroy when the voice started talking to him in the daytime, and neither did it trouble him that he had forgotten to eat for the past 2 days. All that mattered was the potion, and he spent days locked in his laboratory trying to perfect the first part. Finally just the right amount of chemicals were used and with a blinding flash a green liquid slowly filled the bottle. He thought the voice would leave him alone, the visions would fade, he could go back to living a normal life. That night was when he finally broke. The voice taunted him all night, dredging up the worst memories from the worst parts of his life. By the end of the night, he was convinced. His only salvation was to create the potion. Leroy brought no food or water with him, instead choosing to stuff his backpack with every chemical and medicine he could find. In the dark of night he fled out of a service hatch in the infirmary, bringing with him only his bag of chemicals, trusty hunting knife and fragmented mind. The next decade of his life was spent scavenging, trading what chemicals and medicine he produce for the necessities to continue his quest. His mental condition only worsened, and without the love of his parents and friends Leroys view of people became increasingly degraded, only seeing them as a means to an end. His potion far from completed, Leroy has decided to become a Bargain Hunter in hopes of finding more ingredients for his potion. [/indent][/indent]