two is most certainly more than zero, though I'd like if at least six were partaking before beginning this little game. However since it has been a couple of days since this came out I should include bits of the rules so as to further spark interest and bump this thread up and into sight. [center][i]0-----RULES-----0[/i] Any given character can preform only three actions a day Any conflict between two characters will be sorted out in a calm and factual debate No actions will be carried out on Sunday If a player is inactive for more than one week their character will be disposed of Avoid any meta-gaming Do try to have fun, kind of the point of a game is it not?[/center] Of course the first rule surely draws out the question, what do I mean by three actions a day? In order to maintain a reasonable pace that is neither too fast nor too slow I have created this rule, however what is or isn't counted as an action? There are five types of action, some of which don't eat into one's daily actions. USE: One uses an item either on their person or nearby on another nearby item or fixture, uses 1 action TALK: One converses with someone in the same room as them, this is a free action regardless of the length of the exchange, so long as neither party preforms any other action during the conversation. INTERACT: One uses or takes a nearby item, be it pulling a lever, picking up a key, etc. Uses 1 action EXAMINE: One gazes at, peers into, and otherwise looks at an item in a room, or the room in general. So long as the examining party doesn't in some way INTERACT or USE the thing(s) they are looking at EXAMINING is a free action MOVE: One moves from the room they are in to a adjoining room. This uses 1 action. And while I'm here, might as well see if any of my internet friends are interested... [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Cruallassar] [@Laach] [@YaBoiKiba]