Yesss, I kinda left it open there a little, he could either be dead for real or just assumed dead if it turns out to be something that could be a useful plot point for later mwahaha at the moment it just serves as a reason why Ari's mom didn't want Roan to take her back to Korriban, cause "you took the last one and got him killed" is a preeeettyyy valid reason, no? XD Oh for sure haha There's waaaayyy too many of them to get them all done in one week but hey we can at least get them up and somewhat started :P I plan to add more of my profiles soon too, just want to get some more of Act I chronicled so I can hopefully have something to put up on that page so it isn't blank before I finish some of the artwork haha On that note, for the purpose of the summary, what exactly was Lysa's motivation for calling Bol to Korriban in the first place, or does that give that away? XD Did she want to convince him the Sith were better by showing him the artefact or was it an alterior motive? o.o And yes, we do need to do some planning there, Thursday/Friday sounds good! :')