Home Bay... bodies... Pryce... This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Sure, working on a maximum security space station wasn't the most glamorous of jobs, but the pay was good and there was enough going on with the space station to keep the families happy. And they [i]were[/i] happy, at least as happy as any family could be. No one signed up for a full-stage prison break. Sure, everyone knew it was possible, but the likelihoods were a million to one. Ryobi briefly considered whether he should have played the lottery more often. He had met dozens of people during his time on Omega. Some had become great friends; some had left years earlier. Janetta Pryce was one of those people who just happened to click with Ryobi, possibly too much. The warden and he had spent some long nights working together, and some of those nights might have progressed towards things that went outside of the boundaries of "work." He had never told Sayako, but he was sure she had her suspicions. Not that there was much to do about it now. What was in the past had happened, and Ryobi couldn't fix that one time no matter how much he apologized. Or the second time... or third time. But upon hearing Pryce's name referenced in the same manner as his own, he figured there was little choice he had. "Kitt, let's help out the Captain by finding Janetta. She's probably near her office," he suggested after a moment of silence. Ryobi turned the opposite direction from Kitt and began walking slowly to allow her to catch up. The comment about averting one's eyes particularly gave him pause. "How many have you passed? Officers, I mean." At the same time, Ryobi silently vowed to not avert his gaze. If he stopped [i]feeling[/i], they had already won. Even if it hurt, even if it slowed him down, that [i]feeling[/i] showed Ryobi he was still alive. He needed that.