Joey nodded before standing up and going to do exactly as told. He went down the hall with the rooms to let everyone know not to go outside. Of course, this may have included warning his arch nemesis about it who most likely wouldn't care. [hr] Someone ran passed her asking her to help out pretty much. She wandered the hall till she heard someone giving warnings. "Are you Joey?" She gave small smile when she received a yes from him. "Well, I believe I was told help you keep people inside." Of course, being as shy as she was, she seemed to let Joey do most of the talking. She held her rabbit close to her chest as they walked. Aaru sighed as he and others were getting told not to go outside. [i]Wasn't planning on it.[/i] He decided to head to library where he could lay low until whatever was going on out there was over. [hr] Tyler had made it to the dining hall and just now got the message to not go outside. He didn't care, he wasn't gonna let whatever was going on ruin his appetite. [i]Besides, I have a great power that I can use. Too bad it can also freak people out though.[/i] [hr] Salvator had heard the demonic screaming too, but to him, that was the sound of chaos. [i]Hmm, so looks like someone decided to have a party and I wasn't invited.[/i] He decided to leave his room to see what was going on though he probably wasn't gonna do anything about it. He heard somebody warning them not to go outside. "Actually, I'd rather join the fun." He went towards the one warning everybody. "I believe we all heard you." [hr] Golden heard someone warning people not to go outside. [i]That sounds like Wolfy.[/i] He shrugged as he was still working on something important and returned his focus to that, completely ignoring Joey.