Tahra and Logan followed Ian into the escape tunnel where Ian placed the past out drunken boy on the floor. He sealed the hatch behind them, the others would not be able to follow. Tahra understood but she didn’t like it. [color=008080]“What do we do now? We clearly can’t stay here.”[/color] Logan instinctively placed himself between Tahra and the way forward since the way behind them was sealed off. [color=CCFC00] “Ian, lead the way,”[/color] Tahra motioned down the tunnel. [color=CCFC00]“We stick to the plan. The others know where we’re going, they’ll find us or do things on their own.” [/color] Just then Jaques woke up. Tahra stifled a laugh when the boy threw up on Logan’s boots. [color=008080]“You didn’t miss much, just the Royal Guard finding us and attacking. No clue where we are now, some escape tunnel. You are, unfortunately, safe with us for the moment.”[/color] Logan kicked the vomit off on the side of the tunnel wall and give Tahra a quizzical look as she gave him a warning glare. Tahra bent down as though she were checking on the boy, rubbing his back soothingly. [color=CCFC00]“Don’t worry Princess Rosalind, your secret is safe with me. The others just assumed you were drunk and nothing more.”[/color]