Maria: [color=violet]"That's why my aura fluctuated."[/color] Me: [color=gold]"I thought it was because you were thinkin' of a nickname for what's going on?"[/color] Maria: [color=violet]"No. I am not that dense. But I was thinking of a Nickname of the other Alexis."[/color] Me: [color=gold]"Please don't tell me its Lexi."[/color] Maria: [color=violet]"No. It is Lesi."[/color] Me: [color=gold]"Errr..."[/color] Maria: [color=violet]"I hope Zargy doesn't piss off the King of Vrondi."[/color] Zargoth: [color=black]"Lesi? She doesn't look like a Lesi she more looks like a Puzzle."[/color] Maria: [color=violet]"Lesi it is."[/color] Zargoth: [color=black]"It had been awhile since I talked to a Descendant. Who is in power of something."[/color] Edit: That was directly at the PC Alexis. XP