[@Dealdric] [b]Before[/b] Deon grumbled as he got dragged to the principal but stood himself up once the guy left. He looked at the Blayze who was staring him down pretty much. "What? I can't have a little fun?" He crossed his arms and huffed in annoyance. Blayze gave him a stern look. "Not here! Now, why are disrupting our school?" "Look, I don't even care about you or this dang school. Only a certain person that goes here." Deon wasn't going to make this easy on him or anyone else. And he was pretty sure if that guard still had some of that blood him then everything should start going exactly as he planned. [hr] [b]Later[/b] [@Dealdric] Price was getting ready to paint something when he smelt the exact thing that would get his demon to come out. Without moving, he looked around for the source which led his eyes to the thin window on the door. It looked like man covered in paint, but the smell suggested otherwise. [i]Is that man covered in... [b]BLOOD![/b][/i] And to make things worse, he was pretty sure the blood smelt like human. [i]Please don't come in here.[/i]