[quote=@Lady Amalthea] Something else I would like to see on the forum - A defined list of rules for the Status Bar. It gets treated as a black hole on the forum. It is spammed, people talk smut on it constantly, and more. Granted, I would also like to see a limit of updates allowed per 24 hour period but that is a coding issue and nothing can be done about that currently but a list of rules or the rules being enforced there would be wonderful. Though I think sometimes it is a blackhole is because it is looked at as a spam section? Maybe? I'm not sure. But yeah, an enforcing of forum rules on the status bar over all, or a defined list that applies there would be huge. [/quote] To be honest, it's difficult to police the status bar updates. They update so frequently that they're tricky to keep up with, unless we go read back through [i]everything [/i]that's been posted. We don't have the ability to change user's statuses if we do happen to see something scroll by quickly. (We used to be able to go into a user's profile and edit almost everything down to updates and posts, just in case. Now we do not have that ability.) So, I think it has devolved into a bit of a black hole just because it's hard to keep up with. We need the ability to make edits more easily and for statuses to have report options, just in case a moderator misses the status in question, then it can be dealt with retroactively. To do this as things are set right now is a big task. I kind of hate the status updates just for this very reason -- they are a moderating pain in the ass.