[quote=@Etherean Fire] [@Holy Soldier][@WingsOfBronze] Okay, then. I simply wanted to address the "weakest enemy" clause. I think trying to build him as a player character from his boss mechanics might be a bit of a mistake. He can do whatever he pleases with stats, of course. I specifically mean that the segment suggesting that he can be felled in one hit might come as problematic. It only seemed to work that way in-game because the Genocide player was simply strong enough to do that, not because he was objectively weak (hence, they saw him as "the easiest enemy" by the time they reached him), but it was cancelled out solely by the fact that Sans was mechanically impossible to hit. Basically, the fight is programmed to drag on for as long as possible. Here, however, he wouldn't have an immaculate dodge as he did before, so to keep the part about him folding from even the weakest blow may present itself as something of an obvious issue. My two cents, anyways. I could be completely wrong about some of that, or even just overthinking it. It's ultimately up to you two, either way; whatever you both decide. [/quote] If I could add my own piece to the pile [i](I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds or anything)[/i] I think Etherian has a point. Having Sans around as a player character would be a lot of fun given his personality [s]and god awful puns.[/s] However building him off how he operates as a boss might not be the best approach. One-hit kills are problematic. If he's caught in a situation where he can't avoid damage then he's toast and that might not be as rare as one might assume. There's also the fact that this is 'player' Sans and not 'boss' Sans. In the Genocide route Sans is only a one-hit KO enemy because that point you're OP as hell. If you look at him from a grounded power level then Sans would likely be fragile, but not killed in one hit. I'd like to expand on this more, but I have physical therapy and need to go now.