[center][color=LawnGreen][h3]Cassinia Fairbairn[/h3][/color][i]Cassi, Cas[/i] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/b835/th/pre/i/2016/172/f/c/hobbit_girl_by_kangae_okita-da73cl1.jpg [/img] [/center] Cassinia, or Cassi as she is more affectionately called, is the fourth child (of five), and third daughter, of the current Warden of Westmarch. She is descended from Samwise Gamgee from his daughter Elanor the Fair, and born in Undertowers (in Westmarch). At the age of 35 she is young for a hobbit – having only come of age two years ago. Though the daughter of a Warden Cassi is a member of the scouts who patrol the borders. Though her fighting is adequate her skill lies with her ability to use a bow. An incredibly accurate shot, she is talented for her age and station (though nothing near an Elven archer). This is due to the training she asked for, and received, while growing up in the Undertowers – an otherwise safe and boring upbringing. She is also quite good with a slingshot. It is her skill as an archer and scout, along with her status as the daugher of the Warden of Westmarch, which is why she is attending the council meeting as a guard of the emissary. Cassi herself is cheerful and upbeat, one to grin in most situations. Due to being very friendly she finds it easy to get along with most people and can forge friendships in unlikely circumstances. Her general friendliness is coupled with someone who enjoys joking, playing pranks on others and generally having a laugh. Sometimes this can get to an annoying point, though she tends to stop before she goes too far. Though generally friendly Cassi has a terrible temper, and very little control of it – if she gets angry, she’s angry. It really isn’t difficult to cause this as well. Along with this, though she is one of the hobbits who scout the borders she is naïve and yet to truly experience any kind of combat or hurt. Cassi stands at 3’5”, with the typical stout figure and soft, round face of a hobbit. Her hair is a messy golden-red and long, often tied back, while her skin is fair. Her eyes are a somewhat unusual and bright green. When not travelling or working Cas will wears dresses in bright hues of green with some yellows, with more practical clothing otherwise (still in shades of green). Like all hobbits, she does not wear shoes.