[@Silver Carrot] She was chatty? Lataniva had been told the opposite many times. Then again, mostly she had acted as someone’s agent of death, standing silent to the side. No need to speak. Had that changed, too? Or, perhaps it was just in comparison with the last Dalentian she had met. [indent]‘We do tend to be of the serious sort. I am no exception.’[/indent]Lataniva commented, looking to Taleste. And then there was the mention of being a thief, yes. She could not deny that her first thought went to the various jewels on her armor which a thief could desire. She nodded to the assurance that Taleste would not do that. [indent]‘I will trust your word on that.’[/indent]”I’d hate to have to kill you”, she almost said but prevented herself. Saying so could potentially create negative associations. While that’d helped her in the past, perhaps it was time to take a distance from such. And, that was pretty much the end of Lataniva’s interest in this conversation. If Taleste or someone else spoke first, then Lataniva would be interrupted and remain in place. Otherwise… [indent]‘Good luck, then, Taleste.’[/indent]Lataniva would say and then walk on her way. Because she felt done.